I am Yanxuan Wu (吴焱煊). I got a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, with a minor in Finance, from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2023. After that, I worked as a data scientist at Moseeker (an AI-powered Human Resource technology firm), focusing on AI tools development and data analysis. In parallel, I have been working as a research assistant for Prof.Xitong Li (HEC, Paris) and Prof.Shunyuan Zhang (Harvard Business School).
Download my resumé.
B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering, 2023
Shanghai Jiao Tong university
B.Sc. in Finance, 2023
Shanghai Jiao Tong university
Exchange Student in Arts and Science, 2022
University College London
“Influencer Selection with MMOE” with Prof. Shunyuan Zhang from Harvard Business School and Prof. Xitong Li from HEC, Paris.
“Drowsy Driving Detection under Different Circumstances with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)” with Pro. Colin Tan from NUS